A large roof, which with a diameter of 16 meters and a floorplan of 200 square meters, can accommodate about 120 people. The skeleton is made of aluminum and steel, while the cover is made of an airtight, non-combustible membrane. Its floorplan can be divided, if necessary, into eight independent sectors and thus into private and semi-private areas. A structure inviting on all sides, which through the architectural elements of roof and entrance typologically redefines the public space in the surrounding of the camp. In collaboration with various NGO‘s including the IOM, we were able to successfully build and open the Maidantent in the camp of Ritsona in 2017. In order to reach a sustainable design and thus the final product, we had to do a lot of preliminary methodological work, such as, engagement with the place and the people, their needs and customs but also their fears and hopes.The multilogue with specialists such as psychologists, journalists, sociologists, etc. who showed readiness and commitment on the spot forms the foundation of the Project